Narratives and Low-Income Millennials

Narratives and Low-Income Millennials

There are multiple narratives for low-income millennials. The college matriculation-to-graduation narrative is not a common one among most working class young people. In fact, low-income students are a rarity on most four-year campuses, especially at the most competitive colleges. A

The Positive Impact of Study Abroad

The Positive Impact of Study Abroad

The second 1vyG conference at Harvard University on February 19-21 included a session on the positive impact of study abroad for first generation/low-income students. It’s about time! There have always been anecdotes touting the benefits of study abroad experiences for diverse

Otherness, Identity, and Belonging in Higher Education

Otherness, Identity, and Belonging in Higher Education

The ideas of otherness, identity, and belonging in higher education help us make sense of the recent campus unrest at universities around the country. Otherness is a social construct that explains majority/minority social identities. Think about social identity as a reflection

Diversity and Difference in the Traditional Culture of Higher Education

Diversity and Difference in the Traditional Culture of Higher Education

Some pundits have interpreted recent campus eruptions at Yale and the University of Missouri as “microaggressions” that push political correctness into hyperdrive through the social media. “Grow up!” seems to be a phrase mentioned again and again. But there is

Filling the Financial Aid Gap

Filling the Financial Aid Gap

Filling the financial aid gap for first generation/low-income college students is one of the major challenges elite colleges and universities face today. Traditional financial aid packages typically cover tuition and room and board. But traditional financial aid packages often do

Students Beware

Students Beware

Imagine if hundreds of thousands of consumers were being exposed to a product that carried with it a 20% chance of serious mental and/or physical harm. Now imagine that the advertising for that product not only carried no warnings whatsoever,

First generation students unlock knowledge

First generation students unlock knowledge

Research on how people learn suggests that low-income and first generation college students excel when they are actively engaged in learning instead of passively listening to lectures.

Visualizing Knowledge

Visualizing Knowledge

Humans like to make sense of complex information.  We categorize and classify everything from our individual music on iTunes to governments and countries throughout the world.  It is our way of visualizing knowledge — how we represent what we know.

Express yourself

Express yourself

How do you express yourself to make sense of your place in the real world — today and in the future — when you are in college? The crucial time needed to reflect upon short-term goals for college and long-term

GlobalMindED First Generation Students

GlobalMindED First Generation Students

I spent an exciting few days in Denver (June 17-19, 2015) where I participated in an innovative conference, GlobalMindED. The conference brought together four hundred leaders representing education, business, government and non-profits from throughout the United States and seven countries