Scholarship of belonging

Scholarship of belonging

The blogs you read on the Knowledge Without Borders website on diversity, including those about first-generation and low-income students, are often about cultivating a sense of belonging. Too many low-income students from diverse social, ethnic, and racial backgrounds feel like

The Positive Impact of Study Abroad

The Positive Impact of Study Abroad

The second 1vyG conference at Harvard University on February 19-21 included a session on the positive impact of study abroad for first generation/low-income students. It’s about time! There have always been anecdotes touting the benefits of study abroad experiences for diverse

Diversity and Difference in the Traditional Culture of Higher Education

Diversity and Difference in the Traditional Culture of Higher Education

Some pundits have interpreted recent campus eruptions at Yale and the University of Missouri as “microaggressions” that push political correctness into hyperdrive through the social media. “Grow up!” seems to be a phrase mentioned again and again. But there is